
FMO is excited to be presenting the 2023 Annual Report of Mobilising Finance for Forests (MFF). The MFF programme was officially launched in February of 2021 with a £150 million commitment from the UK government.

Read more ›Highlights

International principles

Our impact goes beyond our investments. To embrace our mission fully, we are committed to doing business in a responsible and sustainable way, guided by global standards and guidelines.

Read more ›International principles

Statement of financial position

At December 31, 2023

Read more ›Statement of financial position

Statement of changes in capital

At December 31, 2023

Read more ›Statement of changes in capital

Statement of comprehensive income

At December 31, 2023

Read more ›Statement of comprehensive income

Summary of material accounting policies

Mobilising Finance for Forests (MFF), the programme, was established by the UK Government in 2021 to support the combat against deforestation and environmentally unsuitable land use practices.

Read more ›Summary of material accounting policies

Notes to the annual accounts

The cash on bank accounts can be freely disposed of. The bank account is held by FMO on behalf of the programme.

Read more ›Notes to the annual accounts

Statement of cash flows

At December 31, 2023

Read more ›Statement of cash flows

Risk management

For FMO, acting in its role as Programme manager (hereafter ‘FMO’) to be able to carry out the programme’s strategy, it is essential to have an adequate risk management system in place to identify, measure, monitor and mitigate financial and non-

Read more ›Risk management

Letter from the MB of the Programme Manager

In 2023, the volatile global economic and geo-political circumstances were aggravated by more extreme weather conditions, food crises, the collapse of several major banks, the ongoing war in Ukraine, the war in Gaza, and Sahel coups.

Read more ›Letter from the MB of the Programme Manager